
免费领 | 植物大战僵尸英文漫画全集,孩子阅读水平和乐趣都激活了!|疯狂|戴夫|战略游戏|恐怖游戏|动作游戏|射击游戏|zombies

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:58    点击次数:127

   今天给大家带来一套超有意思的英文漫画,植物大战僵尸漫画电子书,适合3 - 7年级的孩子。《植物大战僵尸》这部漫画里有奇妙的乐趣,轻松打开孩子阅读的兴趣!Volumes (2013-2021)Plants vs. Zombies: Lawnmageddon - V01Plants vs. Zombies: Timepocalypse - V02Plants vs. Zombies: Bully For You - V03Plants vs. Zombies: Grown Sweet Home - V04Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - (2016-2019目录)Plants vs. Zombies: Petal to the Metal - V05Plants vs. Zombies: Boom Boom Mushroom - V06Plants vs. Zombies: Battle Extravagonzo - V07Plants vs. Zombies: Lawn of Doom - V08Plants vs. Zombies: The Greatest Show Unearthed - V09Plants vs. Zombies: Rumble at Lake Gumbo - V10Plants vs. Zombies: War and Peas - V11Plants vs. Zombies: Dino-Might - V12Plants vs. Zombies: Snow Thanks - V13Plants vs. Zombies: A Little Problem - V14Plants vs. Zombies: Better Homes and Guardens - V15Plants vs. Zombies: The Garden Path - V16Plants vs. Zombies: Multi-ball-istic - V17Plants vs. Zombies: Constructionary Tales - V18Single (2013-2015)01 - Plants vs. Zombies: Lawnmageddon (split into six books)02 - Plants vs. Zombies: Timepocalypse (split into six books)03 - Plants vs. Zombies: Bully For You (split into three books)04 - Plants vs. Zombies: Grown Sweet Home (split into three books)05 - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (split into three books)06 - Plants vs. Zombies: Petal to the Metal (split into three books)07 - Plants vs. Zombies: Boom Boom Mushroom (split into three books)BonusThe Art of Plants vs. Zombies (a book filled with concepts of plants, zombies and multiple Plants vs. Zombies games)Plants vs. Zombies: The Curse of the Flower-Bot (Free Comic Book Day version)Plants vs. Zombies: The Lady in Red (Free Comic Book Day version)一个后花园,一个疯子,一棵植物,一群又蠢又呆的僵尸,没错,这就是曾风靡全 国的网页游戏——植物大战僵尸。年轻的冒险家帕特里斯和内特一直跟着邻居的后卫疯狂戴夫——但是他们准备好调查校园以保护街道免受僵尸的侵害了吗?这套漫画适合大人和孩子一起读,提起植物大战僵尸,作为过来人,提起Plants vs Zombies,你会第1时间想起什么?想起蠢萌蠢萌的僵尸,想起阴险狡诈的僵尸博士,想起排兵布阵向日葵和豌豆射手,想起花园旁一惊一乍的疯狂戴夫,还是想起那一年临近盛夏,高考倒 计时的青葱岁月!小编已经帮粉丝们整理好添加成长伴读官—小嘉(我们将会在48小时内发送给你)长按识别-添加即可领取

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